From passive consumers to active shareholders
‘Service user involvement’ has become a mainstream concept. However, there are still major challenges in building mutual understanding, trust and respect between ‘service users’ as peers, staff, and service providers.
Arguably, imbalances of power are holding peers back from the most senior decision-making positions, and processes.
Real Insight’s team, therefore, is piloting an approach which will help services really get the most from their involvement activities, and to adjust their culture and systems for mutual gain.
Service users become peers, moving from passive consumers to active partners and shareholders.
As the project develops, it will create a critical mass of skilled peers They will collaborate with senior management teams, improving service designs and ultimately how organisations function - demonstrating economic impact, and efficiently reducing the cost of resources.
Our aim:
Real Insight’s work could transform the whole landscape of ‘service user involvement’, demonstrating true systems’ change. People living with severe and multiple disadvantages can be empowered to take meaningful and effective roles in co-designing their own solutions and services.
Real Insight has been hosted by the National Survivor User Network (NSUN) since 2016 and is funded by Lankelly Chase.
Peers met in previous projects successfully work with us as consultants.